Punch Bunch 12 – A Sell Out Success

After months of preparation and countless hours of organisation, The Punch Bunch 12 show was a complete sell out on the night with people packed in in all areas. With fantastic sponsors and celebrity guests, the biggest boxing show on the South Coast was a success. When it comes to boxing shows, we are no stranger to setting up a huge show, especially seeing as this is the 12th Punch Bunch show with a 13th looming to be organised very soon. Having the best in boxing local talent and an organisational team with great experience, the show was enjoyable for all involved.

The likes of ABA Champion Henry Castle making his return, Jake Unzie finally reclaiming that victory from the rematch we were all waiting for and many boxers having their first fights on the night, it was a mix of excitement and experience. Winners like Sean Whaley and Boe Bennett proved their hard work and training really paid off with both of their bouts and KO’s from Slav the ‘Mad Russian’ and Bartek “The Destroyer” gave the real upper hand to the home fighters.

As well as our fighters, we also had the incredible Julius Francis and Joe Egan for a Q&A on the night and to support the fighters and the show. Stories from Egan and an interview with Francis played host to the showing off of belts and sharing of fighting talk for a recent media storm with a particular Fury ……

Find all of the YouTube videos on our channel and rewatch all of the fights from the night: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPV3mEdlk2z61_pJlXu26Qg

Our fantastic Sponsors:

– Forma @formaboxed

– Sugar Rays @sugarraysboxing

– S.M.A.R.T Automotive @smartautomotivehampshire

– Not Vegan Friendly @notveganfriendly_

– Rio’s @riosbar_20

– Cafe Parfait @cafeparfait

Romsey Skip Hire


– Playhouse @playhousesouthampton

– Switch @switchsoton

Follow us on Instagram – The Punch Bunch www.instagram.com/the_punch_bunch

Follow us on Instagram – KO Boxing Company https://www.instagram.com/ko_boxing_company

Follow us on TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@thepunchbunchuk

Like us on Facebook – KO Boxing Company https://www.facebook.com/thekoboxingcompany

Like us on Facebook – The Punch Bunch https://www.facebook.com/thepunchbunch

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